Gripping Your Board

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How do you apply grip tape to your board?

Gripping Your Board

Gripping your board requires a padded surface (so you don't ruin your graphic) a retractable cutting tool and a fine file. Slowly and carefully peel the backing off, beginning at one end and lay the backing down, smoothing the grip tape as you go. Once you are free of air bubbles, file along the edge of your deck. A white outline will appear, showing you where your cut line is. Follow the outline with your cutter until you've removed all the excess grip tape. Then poke holes where your hardware will go.



7/18/2006 12:56:22 AM
Martin G. said:

I find that when gripping the board, put the stick the grip on the tip of the nose and tail, then press it down in the center, then rub from the center out. then like above, file the edge, then use your razor to cut the grip. after you cut all of the grip off, I like to get the leftover stuff, fold it over so there is no stickey showing, then use it to sand the edge of the grip to make it smooth.

12/30/2006 12:49:23 PM
joe said:

i liked the way you explained it but what if the air bubbles stay what do you do


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